Woody is the builders’ merchant that wants to do more. We consist of over 90 committed contractors throughout Sweden and is Sweden's largest and most outstanding purchasing organisation. You’ll find us near your neighbourhood — offering quality products at very competitive prices.
In an era when many suppliers are developing cut-price businesses with generic products, narrow product ranges, minimum service and limited expertise, we go against the flow. Most of us managing a Woody Builders Merchants come from families that have been in the industry for generations. We know our local areas and markets. So when you come to us, you come to a source of knowledge and service. We highly value the ability to be a sounding board, advisor and problem-solver for you. That's why we invest in competence and service. And quality!
At Woody we always offer a wide range of basic products, complemented with the opportunity to design unique products. We partner with well-established suppliers who can support us in technical matters, as well as with approved products and first-rate guarantees. Several of our Woody locations have showrooms where you take a closer look at our interior products. Our stores are well stocked and offer fast service.
As our customer, you’re also our partner. Our goal is to work ever more closely with you so that, together, we can create new business that benefits all of us. Already today, many of our Woody establishments offer “We do!” — our installation concept for windows, doors, roofs and garage doors. We also have several other similar concepts under development.
The idea is that Woody should be a meeting place for professionals. A place where entrepreneurs create opportunities for mutually successful projects in the local market, with satisfied end customers as a result. Woody should be a source of inspiration and knowledge for design, construction and new building technologies. We want to do more. And we hope that’s what you experience when you visit us.
Welcome to Woody Bygghandel!
Sveriges Fria Bygghandlare AB, fd Woody Bygghandel AB, har rötter som går tillbaka till 1940-talet och är därmed ett av Sveriges äldsta företag inom frivillig fackhandel. Idag samlar företaget 36 delägarföretag, med ca 70 anläggningar runt om i Sverige och en gemensam omsättning på över 4 miljarder kronor. Sveriges Fria Bygghandlare AB ägs av fria entreprenörer som fattar sina egna beslut, mitt i den verklighet där de lever och verkar. Samtidigt som de har en stark gemenskap och ett nära samarbete med de andra delägarna, inte minst inom inköp, marknadsföring, försäljning, utbildning och hållbarhet.